About Us


Company PT Lestari Mahaputra Buana.

In the middle of 1900s, the world’s demand of wooden pencil kept growing and boosting the demand of wooden pencil raw material. The increasing demand was not balance with its supply and at that time Indonesia has never had a company that specially producing wooden pencil and slats.

Seeing this business opportunity, in 1996 company’s owner decided to establish pencil slat and wooden pencil’s manufacturer in Indonesia known as PT. Lestari Mahaputra Buana.

Red pencil stands out from the crowd of black on a wooden white background.


Vision & Mision.


  • To be the best and the biggest slat and pencil manufacturer in Asia.


  • Giving the best to customers with continuously improving product, human quality and production process quality.Participate in protecting the environment as well as world forest’s sustainability and offer resistance to illegal logging.


History PT Lestari Mahaputra Buana.

Lestari Mahaputra Buana established in January 1996 in Padalarang according to Act of Notary Liana Nugraha, S.H., CN. No. 42 is a company which main business in wood industry. PT. Lestari Mahaputra Buana started to produce slat which is a wood that has certain characteristic and dimension as basic material of wooden pencil. A great part of company’s product distributed to Asian and European countries.

The Company standing on 10 hectare ground and has  annual capacity approximately 2.5 million gross slats and 1.1 million gross pencils in 1997. Slat produced with massive production system whereas pencil produced by orders. Company used labor power more than machines according to management’s discretion. Now Company has installed annual capacity of slat by 6 million gross and pencil by 5 million gross and has expanded its market segment to America.

To support world forest sustainability, Company also has PEFC (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) and FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) (FSC-C001631) Chain of Custody Certificate. Those certificate is an internationally certificate that have a purpose to protect world forest.

September 2019, PT. Lestari Mahaputra Buana also fulfilled all of the requirements to obtain Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC-C130066) Well Managed Plantation Certificate.

Recently at June 14, 2012, Company also has fulfilled Forest Ministry of Indonesia demand about VLK (VerifikasiLegalitas Kayu or Wood Legality Verification) Certificate ownership as one of the requirements in exporting wooden product. In future, PT. Lestari Mahaputra Buana will keep improving its service quality by fixing over its human resources, production process, management system, etc